You will receive your paycheck via direct deposit every week on Friday to the bank account you provided. If you need to update your bank details, log in to Workday using your credentials to update the information.
Pay periods are Friday through Thursday. Your paycheck will include the bookings you worked the week prior. See the color-coded sample work/paycheck schedule below to see an example of how the pay dates will be.
If you work in April, your pay period covers the bookings you completed between 4/5 - 4/11 and will be reflected in your paycheck the next week (not the same week you worked) so you will be paid on 4/19.
If you work 4/12 - 4/18, you will be paid for those bookings on 4/26.
If you work 4/19 - 4/25, you will be paid for those bookings on 5/3.
What day am I paid? Our payroll week runs Friday to Thursday. You will be paid for any bookings you worked the next week, not the same week that the bookings took place.
How soon after working will I get paid? You will be paid a week after the dates you worked.
How will I receive it? Payments will be made via direct deposit unless you elect to have your checks mailed to you.
View the 2025 Pay Schedule
Pay Period Start Date | Pay Period End Date | Paycheck |
12/27/2024 | 1/2/2025 | 1/9/2025 |
1/3/2025 | 1/9/2025 | 1/16/2025 |
1/10/2025 | 1/16/2025 | 1/23/2025 |
1/17/2025 | 1/23/2025 | 1/30/2025 |
1/24/2025 | 1/30/2025 | 2/6/2025 |
1/31/2025 | 2/6/2025 | 2/13/2025 |
2/7/2025 | 2/13/2025 | 2/20/2025 |
2/14/2025 | 2/20/2025 | 2/27/2025 |
2/21/2025 | 2/27/2025 | 3/6/2025 |
2/28/2025 | 3/6/2025 | 3/13/2025 |
3/7/2025 | 3/13/2025 | 3/20/2025 |
3/14/2025 | 3/20/2025 | 3/27/2025 |
3/21/2025 | 3/27/2025 | 4/3/2025 |
3/28/2025 | 4/3/2025 | 4/10/2025 |
4/4/2025 | 4/10/2025 | 4/17/2025 |
4/11/2025 | 4/17/2025 | 4/24/2025 |
4/18/2025 | 4/24/2025 | 5/1/2025 |
4/25/2025 | 5/1/2025 | 5/8/2025 |
5/2/2025 | 5/8/2025 | 5/15/2025 |
5/9/2025 | 5/15/2025 | 5/22/2025 |
5/16/2025 | 5/22/2025 | 5/29/2025 |
5/23/2025 | 5/29/2025 | 6/5/2025 |
5/30/2025 | 6/5/2025 | 6/12/2025 |
6/6/2025 | 6/12/2025 | 6/19/2025 |
6/13/2025 | 6/19/2025 | 6/26/2025 |
6/20/2025 | 6/26/2025 | 7/3/2025 |
6/27/2025 | 7/3/2025 | 7/10/2025 |
7/4/2025 | 7/10/2025 | 7/17/2025 |
7/11/2025 | 7/17/2025 | 7/24/2025 |
7/18/2025 | 7/24/2025 | 7/31/2025 |
7/25/2025 | 7/31/2025 | 8/7/2025 |
8/1/2025 | 8/7/2025 | 8/14/2025 |
8/8/2025 | 8/14/2025 | 8/21/2025 |
8/15/2025 | 8/21/2025 | 8/28/2025 |
8/22/2025 | 8/28/2025 | 9/4/2025 |
8/29/2025 | 9/4/2025 | 9/11/2025 |
9/5/2025 | 9/11/2025 | 9/18/2025 |
9/12/2025 | 9/18/2025 | 9/25/2025 |
9/19/2025 | 9/25/2025 | 10/2/2025 |
9/26/2025 | 10/2/2025 | 10/9/2025 |
10/3/2025 | 10/9/2025 | 10/16/2025 |
10/10/2025 | 10/16/2025 | 10/23/2025 |
10/17/2025 | 10/23/2025 | 10/30/2025 |
10/24/2025 | 10/30/2025 | 11/6/2025 |
10/31/2025 | 11/6/2025 | 11/13/2025 |
11/7/2025 | 11/13/2025 | 11/20/2025 |
11/14/2025 | 11/20/2025 | 11/27/2025 |
11/21/2025 | 11/27/2025 | 12/4/2025 |
11/28/2025 | 12/4/2025 | 12/11/2025 |
12/5/2025 | 12/11/2025 | 12/18/2025 |
12/12/2025 | 12/18/2025 | 12/25/2025 |
12/19/2025 | 12/25/2025 | 1/1/2026 |
12/26/2025 | 1/1/2026 | 1/8/2026 |