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Expectations, Attendance, Availability, Bookings & Cancellations
Find everything you need related to availability, bookings and cancellations
Travel PolicyPolicy regarding traveling with children in a car.
Phone and Electronics Usage On-the-JobClarify expectations around phone use on the job and provide tips for managing it professionally.
Backout PolicyPolicy regarding caregiver backouts and the process for managing them.
Caregiver Conduct and Acceptable BehaviorGuidelines on caregiver infractions, the levels of warnings issued, and the duration of each infraction.
Drug & Alcohol PolicyEstablishing clear workplace policies on alcohol and drugs is essential for maintaining a safe, productive, and healthy environment.
How far do I have to drive for a booking?Required mileage for part-time and full-time caregivers.
Preparing for BookingsWhat to ask parents before the booking, a booking checklist, what to wear and bring to work and when to arrive!
Caregiver Booking Guide: How You're BookedThree ways you can get booked into a job. Auto booking, job board, and the Caregiver Booking Support Team
Confirming Your Booking, Ending Your Booking & Backing Out of a BookingWhat to expect and details around bookings.
Back to Back Booking BufferBuffer times between bookings.
Booking Far In AdvanceDid you know that parents can book a provider up to three months in advance?
Running Late to a BookingHere's what to do if you're running late.
Working For Families Outside of Care.comWhat do I do if a family contacts me outside of to work for them?
Caregiver Conduct, Performance and Attendance PolicyCaregiver expectations to help provide direction and transparency.
Sick Child PolicyWill I be expected to care for children when they are sick?
Sick Policy & Covid-19 PolicyWhat to do if you get sick.
Cancellations (Family Decision)What happens when a parent cancels a booking?
COVID-19 Policies and InformationImportant details pertaining to COVID-19, masks, vaccination and more.
Caregiver Cancellation (Caregiver Decision)Follow this guidance if you experience an unexpected illness or emergency.
Weather Related Cancellations & ConcernsGuidelines for inclement weather and steps to take when it occurs.
What additional work am I expected to do aside from caring for the child?What are you responsible for and what are you not responsible for?
2025 Blockout DatesDates where PTO and unpaid requests will be denied.
Minimum Requirements for Full-Time CaregiversThis is a summary of the Caregiver Performance Expectations for full-timers.
Minimum Requirements for Part-Time CaregiversHere is a brief overview of the minimum requirements part-time caregivers must meet.
Water Safety PolicyGuidelines regarding supervision and oversight of swimming or water-related activities during backup care requests.