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Expectations, Attendance, Availability, Bookings & Cancellations
Expectations, Attendance, Availability, Bookings & Cancellations

Find everything you need related to availability, bookings and cancellations

Travel PolicyPolicy regarding traveling with children in a car.
Phone and Electronics Usage On-the-JobClarify expectations around phone use on the job and provide tips for managing it professionally.
Backout PolicyPolicy regarding caregiver backouts and the process for managing them.
Caregiver Conduct and Acceptable BehaviorGuidelines on caregiver infractions, the levels of warnings issued, and the duration of each infraction.
Drug & Alcohol PolicyEstablishing clear workplace policies on alcohol and drugs is essential for maintaining a safe, productive, and healthy environment.
How far do I have to drive for a booking?Required mileage for part-time and full-time caregivers.